Project Timeline


Introduction of project to local stakeholders (Smyth County, Smyth County Fire Department)

April 2023

Pre-application meetings

May 2023

Collaboration with Saltville Fire Chief and County Emergency Coordinator on design plans and feedback

July 27, 2023

Smyth County joint public hearing to discuss new Battery Energy Storage System Ordinance

August 10, 2023

Smyth County Board of Supervisors final vote on Battery Energy Storage System Ordinance 

September 28, 2023

Special use permit application discussions, public meetings, and vote:

7 p.m. at the Smyth County Planning Commission 121 Bagley Circle, Marion, VA

November 9, 2023

Approval from Board of Supervisors received on special use permit application

December 18, 2023

Approval from Board of Supervisors received to sign and enter into a siting agreement for the Laurel Creek Energy Storage project. 


Anticipated construction start


Anticipated commercial operation date


Local Outreach

The Laurel Creek project has been in development since 2021 and is focused on helping the community and state meet its climate protection and energy reliability goals. We are committed to working with the Smyth County community, Smyth County first responders, and local stakeholders, keeping them involved throughout the development process. Construction of the Laurel Creek Energy Storage facility is anticipated to start in 2028. The 2029 completion of the facility will contribute to AEP’s reliability needs, as well as to Virginia’s goal to reach 3,100 MW of energy storage by 2032.

Community Benefits

The Laurel Creek Energy Storage facility will be a good neighbor and a valuable asset to the surrounding community for decades to come. The project will provide necessary capacity to the region with no air polluting emissions. As a static facility with insignificant traffic and minimal municipal services, the facility will have little impact on neighbors. Significant project benefits to the community include:

  • High-paying construction jobs

  • Enhanced resiliency from a new, state-of-the-art power resource  

  • Expanded property tax base for the local district